Monday, February 23, 2015

TOTTENHAM v ARSENAL, Preview - Wenger: "Dark-working players, like Coquelin or Cazolra, are crucial"

TOTTENHAM v ARSENAL, Preview - Wenger: "Dark-working players, like Coquelin or Cazolra, are crucial"

Arsenal manager Arsène Wenger talked about the hard work of players who sometimes get less noticed on the pitch: “That balance is what you try to get right before the game. You imagine your team and you think always, ‘Is that right, does that [provide] cohesion?’ The only thing I can say is that you know when you are a manger that the balance of the team can depend on one player. 
Getting that one player right gives you efficiency. It is not always a player who makes headlines, someone glamorous. Most of the time it is a player who works in the dark and who has a real team attitude and gives balance to the team. It can be a Coquelin type, or Cazorla, but sometimes the balance is to have one more guy who keeps the ball up front. It depends what type of problems you have".

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